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  • Writer's picturedavidekalman

Mistakes That Couples Make in Bed

1) The biggest problem we found in couples making love was an inhibition about trying out new things. Believe it or not, no matter how close or long the relationship, people are very inhibited about sharing their innermost desires. Your partner would love to try out new things; you just need to take an initiative. It can luxury sex toys, Lelo vibrators, romantic movie or anything else.

2) Taking things for granted- partners tend to think that the other half is always ready for sex. If your partner is not interested on a particular day, leave her alone! Trying to convince a partner fails more often than not. The only chance you have of changing his or her mind is to go for mental seduction.

3) Couples also tend to neglect foreplay in their haste to get to intercourse. This is not only foolish; it can create serious issues between couples. Slow down and take some time just letting your partner know that you care. Compliment him or her, caress her and let your touch show how much you care.

4) A common mistake men make is in trying to give her an orgasm from intercourse only. Face it; she can get an orgasm from intercourse only about 1% of the time. You have a fair chance only if you stimulate her in some other way first.

5) Finally, don't even try to get an orgasm at the same time. For men, it takes about a minute, for women, it may take up to half an hour. You will gain much more if you try to give her an orgasm first.

These are the biggest mistakes we found in couples making love. Just try and avoid them!

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