Here's an easy way you can learn how to have sex longer. All it involves in extending your foreplay. Way too often men jump right into the main event, and in turn they don't last very long. If you extend foreplay, two things are accomplished:
You allow your body to ease into sex. If you rush things, then you lose control. If you warm things up, you are able to control yourself much better.
Your partner will be much, much closer to reaching orgasm. This means that you won't even have to last as long as usual. Your partner will already be much closer with extended foreplay.
Here's how to have sex longer with foreplay extensions:
Kiss her all over. Don't just focus on the lips. Kiss all over her body. This can be incredibly stimulating for both of you, and it greatly extends your foreplay sessions.
Focus on not just kissing. Use your hands for added stimulation during foreplay. Use both hands, one focusing on one area, and another on another area. With practice you can extend this routine of hand stimulation and kissing for several, several minutes, bringing your partner very close to orgasm.
Add luxury sex toys. It’s not cheating! If you’re playing together and you both enjoy it, introducing some new sex toys into your bedroom activities can be a great idea. For one thing, it can add some variety and it can be a lot of fun. For another, it can be a good tool for helping you both experience pleasure. If the male partner isn’t lasting long enough, he can stop for a bit and use Lelo vibrators on his partner until both partners are close. Then you can both finish together.
Finally you will be ready. She will already be very close to orgasm, while you will just be getting started and will not have to worry about lasting for a marathon session. Nevertheless, start out slow and don't rush things. You still need to learn how to last longer during actual sex, and the key here is starting slow, breathing deeply, and focusing on pleasing your partner.